Quality Street chocolates are loved but some of these festive sweet treats are cherished more than others. To put an end to the nations's debate over which Quality Street is best, the brand conducted a survey of over 2,000 UK adults to find out what their preferences were. The questionnaire also highlighted what the group's choices said about them. Yes, you read that correctly. Apparently, a weakness for a certain chocolate in the collection reflects your personality.
Whilst the findings are probably best taken with a pinch of salt, we couldn't help but indulge in a little festive fun. Discover what you're favourite Quality Street say's about you below...
The Purple One
Dubbed the nations favourite, the iconic purple one is thought to attract forward planners and those who like to think ahead. (You know, the same people who finished their Christmas shopping weeks ago!)
Strawberry Delight
According to Quality Street makers, Strawberry delight ranks second on the list. Fans of the fruity creme were found to be creative and are most likely to buy their Christmas presents throughout the year.
Green Triangle
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Perhaps a surprise entry, the Green Triangle charts third in the nations favourite quality street. Those who prefer this flavour are most likely to be found in their pyjamas all day and are just as happy when they give presents as when they receive them.
Orange Creme
Orange Creme lovers, take heart. Dubbed the carers of the group, you are 'helpful, patient and always willing to lend a helping hand'. Aww.
Caramel Swirl
If this dreamy, caramel chocolate concoction is your first choice, you're said to be an 'early bird' when it comes to preparing for Christmas. You're also efficient and someone who likes to take centre stage.
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You either love it or hate it and it's middle of the road ranking seems to concur. If you do like fudge however, you can take comfort in the fact that it's a sign you're a foodie, apparently.
Honeycomb Crunch
There was outrage when it replaced the Toffee Deluxe however the latest addition to the Quality Street Collection ranks an impressive 7th on the list. Fans of this newbie are said to be the type who feel festive as soon as the advent calendar is opened.
Milk Choc Block
A chocolate staple. Eaters of the milk choc block are said to be fashion fans who love to wear festive Christmas jumpers.
Toffee Finger & Toffee Penny
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Fans of the classic toffee stick are said to be family orientated whilst toffee penny lovers are the party animals.
Coconut Eclair
Most likely to get a festive sing-song started, fans of the coconut classic as said to be the musical ones of the bunch. All together now...
Chocolate Orange Crunch
Ok, so we're seriously questioning the legitimacy of this survey. Ranking LAST as the nations favourite Quality Street, Chocolate Organge Crunch is said to be the favourite of those who nurture and look after others.

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