Everything Tagged


Party Preppin’ Guide to Getting Ready


Party Preppin’ Guide to Getting Ready

The festive period is well under way and that means one thing, it’s party season! Check out our ultimate party preppin' guide to getting ready here at HQhair!

2016-11-11 13:01:48By

#HQxGrowGorgeous Pink Wednesday Twitter Chat


#HQxGrowGorgeous Pink Wednesday Twitter Chat

To celebrate Pink Wednesday at HQhair, we picked the brains of the gals over at Grow Gorgeous to find out how to keep our hair in perfect condition throughout the winter months! Take a look at the advice they gave!

2016-11-04 08:00:31By Vanessa

9 Beauty Products For Students


9 Beauty Products For Students

You've probably already racked up a wishlist of what you can splurge on whilst your bank account is feeling healthy, but hold fire until you've taken a look at the 9 beauty products for students so that you can ensure you're spending your dolla on the good stuff!

2016-09-14 08:00:00By Sally

The Best Apps For Students


The Best Apps For Students

New kid on campus? These apps will keep you in the know about student offers, the cool places to hang out, and keep you focused when it comes to your studies and finances!

2016-09-12 11:34:41By Lydia

13 Ways To Make Friends with Your Flatmates

Tips & Tutorials

13 Ways To Make Friends with Your Flatmates

Nervous about making friends with your flatmates when freshers week starts? Fear no more as us HQ gals are sharing our top tips for becoming best buds with your uni roommates in no time!

2016-09-06 17:25:55By Beth

How To Deal With Nerves During Freshers' Week

Tips & Tutorials

How To Deal With Nerves During Freshers' Week

Worried about fresher's week? Here at HQhair us gals are sharing our tips and tricks to deal with nerves so you can make the most out of your first week at uni!

2016-09-01 15:38:12By Lydia

#WeAreInOurPrime Why Your 20's Is The Prime Of Your Life


#WeAreInOurPrime Why Your 20's Is The Prime Of Your Life

If there's one thing that the girls on the HQhair team know about, it's being in your 20's. From our Marketing Manager and Content Writers to our Trading Manager, Buyers and Designers, the majority of the girls here at HQhair are in their 20's. We're saying it's the Prime Of Our Lives, and here's why.

2016-07-12 07:00:48By Sally

Time For A Glow Job! 5 Best Fake Tans


Time For A Glow Job! 5 Best Fake Tans

Whether you're getting ready for your #HOLLADAZE or spending the summer at home, there is no better time for a Glow Job! We've lined up our 5 Best Fake Tans to make sure you're glowing this summer in your own perfect way!

2016-07-08 16:09:33By Sally

7 Best Nail Shades For Summer

Tips & Tutorials

7 Best Nail Shades For Summer

For us gals, when the sun comes out, so do the thinner layers, brighter colours, sunglasses and sheer make-up. But what about our nails? Do you tend to switch up your nail shades, or stick to the standard?

2016-06-23 08:00:38By Amy

7 Times Beyonce Was A Badass B*tch


7 Times Beyonce Was A Badass B*tch

There's no denying our love for Beyonce. She's fierce, strong and ain't afraid to say what she thinks - our kinda gal! If you're feeling like you need a little bit of motivation, take a look at these 7 times Beyonce was a seriously badass b*tch. They don't call her Queen B for nothing!

2016-06-20 16:04:04By Sally