Cross Border E-Commerce (CBEC) Tax - China
General information regarding Cross Border E-Commerce (CBEC) delivery option - China
When you make a purchase through this delivery option, our designated carrier will provide customs clearance on your behalf. Please ensure you have provided accurate information, otherwise this will jeopardise your customs clearance.
Residence ID number required for customs clearance
When choosing the CBEC delivery option inclusive of import taxes, you need to submit the resident ID card information of the recipient of the order for customs clearance. Please ensure you have filled in an accurate ID card number and a name (in simplified Chinese characters) that is consistent with the ID card. The information provided for the ID card must match the identity of the payer, if it does not then it will affect customs clearance.
We will safely store your ID card information and only use it for the purpose of customs clearance. Unless we notify you otherwise, you will not need to submit this information through other channels after submitting the required ID information here.
How import taxes are calculated? (Estimated Taxes)
We will estimate and charge relevant import taxes for you when placing orders. The import tax we initially charge you is an estimate only and there is no guarantee that this will be the actual amount incurred. For example, from the date of the estimation of import taxes and fees to the date of actual entry into China, the customs regulations and tax rates applicable to specific commodities may have changed. The tax rate for import taxes and fees is usually determined by the classification of the goods.
Once you have paid for the import taxes, you are not expected to be charged again at the China custom.
Understanding your yearly tax allowances
According to the Notice of the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation on the Taxation Policy for Cross-border E-Commerce Retail Imports (Finance Customs [2018] No. 49), since January 1, 2019, the cross-border e-commerce retail imports of goods. The transaction limit is RMB 5,000 (including 5,000 yuan) and the annual trading limit is RMB 26,000 (including 26,000 yuan).