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Please note this product may have been discontinued

Created in the 80's by Gun Nowak, the owner of three of the coolest fashion boutiques in Sweden, FACE Stockholm grew from her frustration of being unable to find the colours she wanted and needed. She was into the neon fashion's of the 80's, but couldn't find the cosmetics to match. She saw an exciting opportunity, and so in 1982 she created FACE Stockholm. 

As FACE Stockholm grew bigger and bigger, Gun teamed up with her daughter Martina Arfwidson, who shared her passion for colour and design, and had the same quirky and playful sense of humour. FACE Stockholm became more than just make-up. FACE Stockholm became a niche, unique, a passion, an art and an education.

Gun believes that FACE is about more that just make-up. FACE is about the experience of putting make-up on another woman, seeing who that woman really is and making that woman feel good. Make-up is about acting out and being who you want to be, and Gun and Martina want to express to their customers that we are all beautiful in one way or another.