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Kill ’em With Kindness This National Compliment Day

Kill ’em With Kindness This National Compliment Day
Writer and expert7 years ago
View Sally's profile

Girl, you've been killin' it lately. It's time to give yourself a pat on the back. The 24th of January 2017 marks National Compliment Day, and we're totally down for getting involved. Giving compliments can have a pretty powerful effect. Whether it's telling your bestie she looks smokin' hot in that new dress, or letting her know she's been killin' it with her new years resolutions, hearing those sincere words can totally change her day.

Studies have shown that receiving compliments actually stimulates the same part of the brain as cash rewards, and it's clear that a compliment generally makes us feel more confident and gives us that little boost of positivity.

To celebrate National Compliment Day, we're sharing the love and encouraging our customers and followers to dish out those compliments and make someones day!

Which of your BFF’s is totally killin’ it RN? Tag them in the Instagram post above!

Writer and expert
View Sally's profile