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HQ’s Music Festival Wishlist

HQ’s Music Festival Wishlist
#PositiveVibesOnly8 years ago
View Lydia's profile

That time of the year has come around again. You're thinking about spending a long weekend with your best gal pals in a field of mud listening to good music in your wellies. Or perhaps you're thinking about going a little further afield and soaking up the sun overseas while you dance the days away? Festival season is about to hit the UK, and we're fully on board. The girls at HQhair have been chatting about which festivals we would love to go to and we've compiled a list of our Top 10 Festivals Worldwide! Get your checklist out!

HQhair's Music Festival Wishlist #HQHUB

Are you heading to any festivals this year?

View Lydia's profile
I'm basically HQ's resident beacon of positivity, providing all of you HQ gals with monthly horoscopes, all of the zen, and positive vibes only!