
You’re In Charge!

HQhair You're In Charge

It’s 2017. The start of a new year, and usually, the time everyone makes resolutions they plan to keep, but often end up failing after a few weeks or months. The most made resolution last year was based on exercise, and in general, health and fitness resolutions come top of the list. However, health isn’t just about the physical aspects. This January at HQhair, we’re taking 2017 into our own hands, making resolutions that will last us for more than just January, and we’re going to help you to do the same.

2017 is the year that YOU take control. Think about it, you are the only one that can dictate the way your day to day life goes. Don’t like the job you’re in? Work on finding another. Not 100% confident and happy with your body? Figure out what you’re not happy with and work on it. Want to save money and go travelling? Then do it!

All of this might seem a little obvious, but people often know what they want to change, but don’t take the steps towards actually doing it. It might seem difficult or almost impossible, but trust us, You’re In Charge here.

How To Take Control of 2017 Like The Girlboss You Are

HQhair You're In Charge

  1. Make A List
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    Make A List

    Head out to those January sales, grab yourself a fancy ass new notebook and pen, and get list making. Dr. Gail Matthews, a psychology professor at Dominican University in California, did a study on goal-setting and found that you are 42% more likely to achieve your goals just by noting them down.

    Make your list achievable and measurable. If you want to save money, work out how much you want to save and when you want to have saved it by. This way, you can add exactly how much you want to save monthly, which is a much more manageable target.

    We absolutely LOVE this Aspinal Of London Refillable Journal from MyBag. The perfect way to look chic whilst getting **** done! See what we did there?

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  2. De-Clutter Your Space
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    De-Clutter Your Space

    We know this one sounds super boring, but it’s probably time for a little de-clutter. You don’t have to go mad here, but just get rid of any unwanted items and things you don’t use anymore. Clothes and shoes can all go to charity shops, throw away any old, out of date skincare or makeup products, and have a good clean and tidy. Having a clear and tidy space will really help to focus your mind.

    Grab yourself some new storage for make-up, jewellery etc. If everything has a home, things will never look messy! These Nkuku Glass Boxes from IWOOT are perfect for adding to your dressing table.

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  3. De-Clutter Your Mind
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    De-Clutter Your Mind

    Now that your space is clear, it’s time to make sure your mind is too. Write a list of all of the things that are on your mind, whether they are things you need to do or things you are worrying about. Doing this each night before bed will help you to relax and have a more stress-free night, and it means you have a list of things to sort out the next day!

    This Ted Baker Brogue Notebook from The Hut is perfectly sizes for your bedside table.

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  4. Make Time To Unwind
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    Make Time To Unwind

    Whether you’re a student or in work, finding time to relax and unwind is really important. When we’re so busy with work/studies, along with trying to fit in time with friends and family, it can be really difficult to find time for yourself, but it is SO necessary.

    Plan one evening a week where you take a bath, read a book or magazine, watch a film, do yoga, whatever it is that takes your fancy. Actually plan this time into your week; if you keep a diary or add events into your phone, get this one written in too, and only rearrange if you really need to. You deserve some me time!

    Our favourite product for a soak in the bath has to be the This Works Deep Sleep Bath Soak!

    Buy now with free delivery

2017, we are totally ready for you. Let us know how you’re taking control over on Twitter & Instagram!



Writer and expert

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